How much is it going to cost?
We Provide Affordable Home Inspections in Cleveland/Akron Area
At Tri-County Home Inspections we pride ourselves on providing low cost, affordable, home inspections. We wouldn't call them cheap home inspections because our home inspectors are licensed, use all the latest testing tools, spend hours on each home inspection and follow-up the in-person inspection with a detailed home inspection report packed with comments and pictures.
A "cheap home inspection" would be a guy in a golf shirt and flip flops showing up with a yellow notepad, doing a 20 minute once-over, taking your check and handing you his scribbled notes. Believe us, we have heard from real estate agents that these cheap home inspections exist, and they' may not even be the lowest priced!
Our mission is to build a business on delivering a quality home inspection at an affordable price. This way we'll get more business from referrals and relationships with real estate professionals. So rather than make as much as we can off each home inspection, we get more business by being priced right. Luckily, this approach saves thousands in advertising costs and we pass that savings back to our customers with low cost inspections.
Condo / Townhouse
- Up to 1,000 sq. ft.
- $10 per 500 sq. ft. > 1,000 sq. ft.
Single Family Home
- Up to 1,000 sq. ft.
- $10 per 500 sq. ft. > 1,000 sq. ft.
Multi-Family Homes
- Duplex - Up to 2,000 sq. ft.
- $100 per additional unit
Stand-Alone Radon Test
- Stand-alone Radon Test
- No Home Inspection
Lite Inspection
- Ideal for property investors
- $295 for SFH add $100 per additional unit
- $10 per 500 sq. ft. over 2,000 sq. ft.
Lead Risk Assessment
- Single Family Home - Visual Inspection and Dust Wipe Sample (12)
- Call for more than 4 units!
WDI Pest Inspection
- Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
- Mandated for VA Loans by Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- $175 for houses with shed or outbuilding
Sewer / Storm Drain Scope
- Sewer line or storm drain camera inspection that provides pictures of detailed video from the sewer or storm drain scope traveling from the home to where the drain or sewer lines connect to the public sewer.
- Can be Performed With or Without a Home Inspection
Home Inspection Add-Ons
Radon Test
- Completed with home inspection
Mold Test Air Sample
- Completed with home inspection
- Mold test includes control + 1 room
- $125 per additional room
Septic Inspection Flow Test
- Completed with home inspection. $420 for Stand Alone Inspection.
Lowest Priced Home Inspections in Northeast Ohio
Home Advisor states that an average home inspection of a condo or home under 2000 square feet costs around $315 while homes over 2,000 square feet costing over $400. North Ohio Property Inspection, a fellow home inspection company in Medina, lists their costs between $350-450 on their website. At Tri-County Home Inspections we not only have lower base prices than most other inspection companies in Northeast Ohio (Cleveland / Akron / Canton area), we offer multiple discounts that reduce the inspection price even lower.